Immediate Need
Mevec (518) 885-7110
Wilton (518) 581-9443
Pre-planning funeral arrangements is an option for families who may not need to set up a trust. Families may use life insurance policies assigned to pay the funeral expenses.
The sameprocedures are followed vital statistics, obituary information, choosing an individual service, cash advances.
This service helps the customer or family by having this information on file when needed.
When or where ever a death may take place the family can call us.
Pre-planning can prevent duplication of services and be a potential cost saving tool.
Families are pre-planning and pre-funding their funeral services. Each family has different reasons to do this. Some of these reasons are:
• Estate planning
• Medicaid
• Personalization of the funeral services
• Families knowing that decisions have been made and that the services requested are paid for.
Every state has their own laws governing pre-arrangements.
In New York State the two primary agreements are the revocable agreement and irrevocable agreement here are the basics
Revocable agreement:
The money is deposited in the customers name in trust for Mevec Funeral Home Inc. or Wilton Funeral Home Inc. in a New York bank that is F.D.I.C insured or through pre-plan provided by the New York State Funeral Directors Association
Should the customer have a need to cancel the trust
The funeral director cannot charge any processing or administrative fees or penalties for early withdrawl.
The original principal and interest accrued is refundable to the customer
Irrevocable agreement:
One of the many resource exclusions allowed in ssi/medicaid laws is the irrevocable agreement. Prior to making any application for medicaid the applicant/family should contact us at the funeral home and tell us that you are going to make an application for ssi/medicaid
The applicant/family will have to choose the funeral and burial space items required.
We provide the irrevocable agreement according to 209 of the social services law
The total monies is deposited in the applicants name in trust for Mevec Funeral Home Inc. or Wilton Funeral Home Inc. In a New York bank that is F.D.I.C. Insured or through pre-plan provided by the New York State Funeral Directors Association
The principal and accrued interest in this trust may not be refunded under any circumstances.
Applicant may change their funeral home at any time
People who preplan or prefund their funeral arrangements should make additional copies to give to their family so they can honor your wishes.